Chapter One :Chapter 1

“Luis am not seeing you”,

Struggling to keep my phone between my ear and shoulder while tugging my luggage down the airport terminal had my temper flaring.

I was out of the plane and I was making my way towards the exit.

“I'm over here, just hurry up”,

“Okay”, Hanging up the phone, l shoved it into my back pocket and stormed faster towards the exist.

I was already exhausted and all I wanted was to rest. My little feet, sporting stilettos walked as fast as they could but I was still fuming. “Why in the hell did I decide to wear these shoes?!

“Goodness! I’m so tired”, I whined as I went on with walking on speed. However just as l was rushing someone all of the sudden stood up from the nearby seat and caused me to slam right into whoever he or she was.

Within seconds, my luggage and purse quickly went flying and I fell to my knees. Irritation swam through my veins and l felt my cheeks burn with anger. “Who the hell knocked me?!

    “Holy shit! You okay!”,

I turned towards the man’s voice and glared up at him. “You should really watch where you going beautiful”, He reached out to help me but l rudely swatted his hand away then stood up on my own.


“You the buffoon, you stood up and got in my way”, I scolded angrily as I straightened up my pencil skirt.

“She is really a crazy bitch”, When I heard that, I instantly raised up my head and that’s when my eyes took in everything.

 Besides the people who were glancing at me, the man who had just knocked me was now standing next to a woman who was strikingly gorgeous. Her curled up blonde hair framed her face that was perfectly decorated with makeup – her lips were plump and glossed too. She was watching me intently, almost judging me but l didn’t care.

“Did you just call me a bitch?”, I sneered, glaring hard at him.

“The only thing I can say , next time watch where you going ”, He shockingly chuckled, grabbing my purse from the airport floor before handing it to me.

“I have no time for fools”, Fuming, I tore my purse from his hand then angrily looked around. “Where the hell is Luis?”, I was on the verge of bursting with anger and he was no where to be seen.

 While still staring around, I noticed that a few people were now taking pics of the man who had just knocked me together with the beautiful woman.

    “Is he a celebrity?”, I inwardly asked myself.

The lady and him were probably models because even though I was angry, I couldn’t hide the fact that the man who knocked me was devilishly handsome.

He had dark brunette hair in a pompadour style atop his head and piercing blue eyes. His jawline and neck tattoos were making me gawk as he posed for the pictures. His shoulders were wide and strong and because he was wearing a t-shirt, l could see that his arms were covered in tattoos as well.

As I stared at him for a long time, I found myself blushing. It wasn’t often that I became this affected by a man but it was hard. Even the women around were staring at him with lustful eyes.

“Miss, here is your bag”, The soft voice instantly pulled me out of my reverie. “Thank you”, I smiled at the short haired lady then quickly, I got my bag and began walking.

 My eyes scanned the front doors that were coming into view and that’s when I saw my best friend Luis. He was standing just inside with a sign in his hands and the closer I got to him, the clearer it became.

“Luis!” Dropping my luggage at his feet, I nearly jumped into his arms. He lifted me in his embrace and laughed. “Am so exhausted, just drive me home!”

“I know. I have been standing here watching you gaze at the porn star”, He spoke, setting me down.

“Porn Star?”, Shocked I instantly looked over my shoulder in the direction where the called porn star was.

“Yes, Drake Hudson. The one who knocked into you. Your cheeks are in fact blushed because of him”, I knew it that my best friend didn’t usually lie but I was kinda surprised at the revelation.

“Yeah he is hot but…..”, I trailed off and looked over my shoulder again to stare at the man who knocked into me. Yes, the guy was seriously hot but knowing that he was a porn star was something I was finding hard to believe.

As I stared at the women drooling over him, I now knew the reason why I was affected too.

“But……”, Luis prompted pulling me out of my reverie.

“Just drive me out of here”, I changed the topic.

“Okay let’s go”,

Just as I entered in the car , I couldn’t help but look at the porn star once more. This time his eyes were surprisingly on me as well. There was something about him that pulled me to him like a magnet, yet the rest of me was screaming to run fast and far.

As soon as I sat in the car, I instantly got my phone from my bag. The only thing that was on my mind was the porn star. I needed to search and find out whether Luis was right. Was he the porn star or Luis was lying?!

I was proven wrong as soon as I googled him. He was him. ~Drake Hudson,

born May 14, 1988

is one of the hot male models who works in adult…..”, My mouth was open as I read every information about him. It was damn unbelievable and before I knew it, I was checking out his pics.

He had many hot pics, where he was leaning against the black Lamborghini with his one hand tucked in to his denim jeans pant pocket and had his black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. Just a little glimpse of his icy ocean blue eyes made me have a smile form on my face.

As expected there was some bitch standing next to him but rolling my eyes , l ignored her and continued to check out his pictures.

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